
Bill Heron

Bill at Mt; Shasta

At Mt. Shasta

What clients and parents have to say:

I've worked with Bill for years and continue because he offers such deep, real, human support and creative inspiration. I love the way he combines his wisdoms about the human body, the human experience and our relationship with feelings. My relationship with my body and my feelings is so much deeper and kinder because of our work together.- S., client

“Bill's presence for and knowledge of kids’ emotional landscapes and developmental needs provided them with safety and a fertile ground for their personalities to blossom.  His skills in parenting have been a role model for me and my husband and I truly think that I am a better parent because he has been our guide and confidant on this journey.” — Ilka, mom of Buda and Noam

Bill Heron has been a dance/movement therapist, teacher, and artist for many years. His yoga, dance and bodywork training deeply inform his work with children and adults. He received his MA from Antioch New England in 1998 in Dance/movement therapy. He was a co-director and teacher at Moving on Center, a somatics, arts and social justice program from 1997 - 2008. He taught Yoga at the Mindful Body and other studios from 2000 - 2007.

For the past 11 years he has been the director and teacher at Adventures Together, the children’s playgroup program he started in 2011.

He has maintained a private movement and counseling practice for adults for many years. Using Authentic Movement, Meditation practices, Yoga and his therapeutic and counseling training, he guides his clients toward greater embodiment and awareness.

Work Flow (for Ray) by Bill, 2020